Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Warning: Your Visual Message Is Just As Important | Small Business ...

It?s difficult to figure out the right image for your small business if you don?t know what the right message is. Whether it?s a blog post in need of a picture, your primary logo, a product design or an infographic to highlight a point or process. Any image you use in association with your company has to say something that matters to your target audience.

visual message

In an article for Visual.ly Blog Professor Alberto Cairo, Author of The Functional Art: An Introduction To Information Graphics and Visualization, says,

?Designing an infographic or a data visualization is an act of engineering,?

Infographics, like other effective visual images, should be more than just pretty pictures or something to take up space on a website. Professor Cairo says he?s not:

?. . .indulging in some sort of vague game of metaphors, literally. I believe that an infographic is a tool in a very similar way that hammers and screwdrivers are tools.?

You can get the nail into the wall without the hammer. But the right tool makes it easier to accomplish your goal. In other words, with the hammer you can do more ? faster.

Likewise, you can get your point across with written text alone. But partner your text with a visual tool like a relevant picture, infographic or even video learning and you can accomplish your goal more efficiently.

New Concepts Take A Minute To Digest

If you rely solely on written words, then it may take 20 to 30 casual impressions or a handful of in depth reviews before your audience understands your new idea well enough to act on it. And people buy what they understand.?Not that they know exactly how a television works, for example, but the buying audience is clear about how it impacts their life, ?more entertainment and information in my living room.?

Drive Your Point Home, Make It Visual?

If you want to honor the idea that ?the world is visual,? as David Langton and Small Business Trends Founder, Anita Campbell, state in Visual Marketing: 99 Proven Ways For Small Businesses To Market With Images And Designs, then you?re always in the market for ideas to enhance your message.

Here? are 3 things to stay on top of your visual message:

Collect Things That You Like

Start with magazine covers and images, color combinations, photo images and videos that grab your attention and put them in a swipe file.

Define And Study Your Main Message

Get certain about the point that you want to drive home in your marketing. Once you?re clear about this core marketing message, then it?s easier to use visuals to enhance it.

Build A Team?

Do what you do best and then get help with the rest of it. As the owner you will need to be hands on in drafting a marketing strategy, but then you may need a graphic designer or photographer to help you implement your plan in a timely manner.

In marketing, every word and image counts. ?Make sure it all says what your audience needs and wants to hear from you.

Visual Photo via Shutterstock

Source: http://smallbiztrends.com/2012/12/warning-your-visual-message-is-important.html

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