Saturday, September 15, 2012

Messy Wessy Thoughts: Quotes on Relationships: Lessons Decoded!

Relationships are an integral part of being human. Our innate ability to develop relationships with each other makes the saying "No man is an island" definitely true. But for those who immediately think that the word relationship automatically equates to romance, well that's just part of the entire puzzle. Relationships can also refer to the friendships that we build, the bond that we have with our family, the personal connection that we establish with God (for those who believe in His existence), or the relationship that we have with one's self.?

Whenever someone asks me if I had already been in a relationship, I always tell them that I have a lot of relationships - one with my best friend, another with my sister, yet another one with my parents, and another one with...Spongebob (or any other random character that I can think of). But they usually mean "romantic" relationships. Well, I haven't been in a romantic relationship ever since I was born into this world. Is that a bad thing? But I do enjoy reading quotes on relationships because I get a lot of lessons from them. If you want to read some of them too, then these quotes on relationships?(yes, that's the link!) can provide you with a lot of meaningful quotes! I?have some personal thoughts on the matter, and allow me to share a few quotes on relationships that I find really striking...or amusing!

1.??Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.??-?Anthony D'Angelo

I have one word for this: Exactly!?

People these days tend to value things more than they value people. One particular observation that I've noticed among friends is that they name their gadgets. Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but I think that's just the beginning of putting life into these gadgets and making them more human, even if they're not. And if these gadgets become more human to us, then it's more likely that we will put more value to these gadgets than to the people around us. What could happen if these gadgets were accidentally dropped or destroyed by the people who are close to us (say, our siblings or friends). It's ten to one that we will get angry at those who destroyed our stuff. But what we don't realize is that these gadgets are just things - they are replaceable. If you destroy one, you can always buy a new one. If the money isn't enough, then that's partly the reason why we go to work, right? The thing is, material things should never, ever, ever, ever, be the reason why relationships are destroyed. Never.

The equation that must be kept in mind: relationships are much greater than material things. Value relationships.

2.??I suffer from girlnextdooritis where the guy is friends with you and that's it.? -?Taylor Swift

This is one pretty amusing quote from a very famous singer/song writer/artist of the present generation. Taylor Swift is known for composing her own songs that are basically attributed to love and inspired by her ex-boyfriends. She's had quite a few relationships with some notable actors and singers, but I really don't know who she's with now. Anyway, that's not the point.?

This quote goes out to all the very talented and special girls who feel being "girl-next-doored" by guy friends. Don't fret, it really takes time to build relationships, much more when they are the romantic kind. Friendship is actually a good foundation for romantic relationships, so if it's taking too long, don't feel bad about yourself or lose confidence, because your story is still being written by God. And the most important thing of all is to NOT change one's self so that a certain person will like you. You are worth your change, not somebody else.

3.??Assumptions are the termites of relationships.? -?Henry Winkler

I read this saying somewhere in the Internet: Never assume, because it make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". That's the reason why assumptions are deadly creatures of the night, crawling underneath your bed, waiting to destroy the relationships that you've worked so hard to build, nurture, and keep. Trust is one very basic foundation of any relationship, and one of the things in this world that no expert or mechanic could ever repair. When we begin to doubt the people around us, this doubt eats us to the core. It affects the way we deal with people - the way we treat them. Eventually, our doubts will push us to openly accuse them of the things that they are not even guilty of, and this is when the relationship crumbles to the ground.?

4.?"We look at each other wondering what the other is thinking but we never say a thing." - Ants Marching

The power of unspoken words is truly remarkable. They start off as a script of what we would want to say when we meet the other person, and the script reads pretty well in our minds, including the responses we've imagined they will be saying. Then just before meeting with the other person, we gather all the courage that the world can offer us so that we may be able to play out our "script" in our mind. And then when we meet the other person, the words just won't come out, and it turns out completely different from our script. Fast forward to 20 or 30 years, the script still plays in our mind, along with two words: "what if".?

"What" and "If" are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life..."

Yep! That was from the file "Letters to Juliet". Striking indeed!

Relationships are really an important part of our lives. We must definitely learn how to cherish and keep them. :)


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